The 2022 tax season has begun! We always accept returns from prior years.

Donation tax credit

Lydia Rancourt | 10 September, 2021 | 2 Comments

            Crédit d’impôt pour dons

Donation tax credit

This credit is a non-refundable tax credit. As such, it can only be used to reduce tax payable. If you have no tax to pay, you have no refund.

The eligible amount for which you can claim a tax credit relates to the year in which you make the donation. You can carry forward, over the next 5 years, the part of the eligible amount of the donation that you did not request in the year of the donation. You must claim a tax credit for donations you carry forward from a previous year before claiming one for your current year donations.

If you have made donations, you can claim the following tax credits:

  • the tax credit for charitable donations and other donations
  • the additional tax credit for a large cultural donation
  • the tax credit for cultural patronage donations

You can claim the tax credit for contributions to authorized political parties in Québec if you have made contributions in cash or by check during the year

  • financial representatives of candidates for the leadership of political parties municipal authorized under the Act respecting elections and referendums in Quebec municipalities;
  • to official representatives of political parties municipal or independent candidates, authorized under this law.

However, you cannot claim this credit if you were a candidate of an authorized party, an authorized independent candidate or a candidate for the leadership of an authorized party and you made such a contribution for your benefit or for that of the party for which you were a candidate.

For which donations can you claim a tax credit?

For a list of registered charities and other qualified donees, you can consult this link:

You can also consult these links for more information on the tax credit for donations: 1-non-refundable-dimpot-credits/line-395/ federal-policies-line-40900-total-contributions-line-41000-credit-impot.html

Comments (2 Responses)

26 October, 2024

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26 October, 2024


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